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Writer's pictureJoana Esteves

Gratitude: 14 reasons why (and 14 ways how)

Updated: Jul 19, 2024

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Many studies have been done recently on the practice of gratitude and I am sure a lot more mind blowing truths will be discovered about this beautiful emotional state.

Thank you for diving with me into the theme of "gratitude", all the reasons why we should practice it, and the many ways in which you can bring it into your daily life.

Why should we practice gratitude?

Gratitude benefits all areas of our life and has measurable effects on our emotional, physical and relational wellbeing.
"Inner Power" by fine artist Karen Elaine Hughes

1- Gratitude boosts emotional and mental wellbeing

The more we practice it, the more we become aware of all the goodness that constantly happens to us. The more we expand our attention to the good, the more we experience, enhance and attract those good things in our life.

The more we search for reasons to feel grateful, the more things start to jump out in front of us, triggering that beautiful sense of gratitude.

2- Gratitude brings presence and mindfulness

As we scan the environment for the good things to be thankful for, we become more grounded and present and more open to receive all those good things life has to offer. We become more mindful of ourselves, others and how beautiful life actually is.

3- Gratitude triggers kindness, generosity, compassion and love

Gratitude alone has a beautiful rippling effect into all other positive emotions. We feel more connected with others and nature, and we become kinder, more generous, more loving and more compassionate towards others and ourselves.

4- Gratitude improves self-esteem

As we notice the good in others, we also become more self-aware at noticing how we become more generous, loving, kind and compassionate. Noticing those good deeds in us creates this higher sense of interconnectedness and humanity. We feel good about ourselves. This increases our sense of self-worth, self-image and self-esteem. 5- Gratitude increases our physical wellbeing

Yes, gratitude makes our bodies healthier: It boosts immunity, heart health, it calms the nervous system, it improves our sleep, lowers inflammation, helps us manage pain, and it boosts our healing and rejuvenating capacity. It has also been shown that we make healthier food choices when we are grateful.

6- Gratitude improves our sleep

Gratitude improves the time it takes you to fall asleep, the sleep duration, and the sleep quality, by changing pre-sleep cognitions. Pre-sleep cognitions are the thoughts we have right before we fall asleep. The authors of this study even suggest the potential for using gratitude interventions in the treatment of insomnia.

Practicing gratitude just before bed is extremely powerful, especially when you do it under hypnosis meditation. And it will not only improve your sleep but all areas of your life since it will go straight into your subconscious as you fall asleep. As your sleep quality improves through gratitude, you will wake up more refreshed, rejuvenated and energized each morning.

"Flourish" by fine artist Gene Barron
"Flourish" by fine artist Gene Barron

7- Gratitute aids with stress regulation

While we experience gratitude, our brains create a certain chemistry for this amazing emotion, which has the power to remove and counteract the chemistry we create and release under stress.

You can't feel stressed when you are deeply grateful. Both emotions simply can't co-exist in our brains and bodies at the same time.

8- Gratitude reduces anxiety and depression

As you replace negative thoughts and stress with feelings of gratitude, you will naturally be stopping the negative cycle, and start a beneficial positive one- the cycle of gratitude and all the other good positive emotions.

So if you're in need of a good healing cocktail of happy hormones, all you need to do is to summon within you the beautiful powerful emotion of gratitude. Those feelings can regulate cortisol production in your brain and reduce anxiety and stress, as well as trigger the brain to release neurotransmitters and hormones associated with happiness, including dopamine and serotonin.

9- Gratitude changes our brains

How incredible is that? Our brains and bodies change with each thought or emotion, for good or for bad. Each emotion and thought has its own chemistry and creates a certain vibration in our bodies.

Gratitude is specifically extraordinary because neuroscience research has found that when people experience gratitude, they have more brain activity in the medial prefrontal cortex; the area associated with learning, decision-making, memory, management of emotions and the reward system.

Neuroscience suggests that when we are genuinely grateful, we are more attentive to how we express gratitude, we feel an amazing sense of pleasure and happiness, we cope much better with negative emotions and we're better at problem-solving. This type of brain activity persists a month later, showing that gratitude has a long-lasting effect in our brain.

"Joy Blooms" by fine artist Howie Doyle
"Joy Blooms" by fine artist Howie Doyle

10-  Gratitude fosters stronger relationships

It is the social glue for building and nurturing any strong relationship because it encourages prosocial behaviors and stronger connections. Rather than being just a good feeling, it has incredible social implications. As we are grateful and receive from others, we feel indebted and with an urge to pay back the kindness. In doing that, we become better human beings, we spend more time with others and make decisions that strengthen our relationships. 

One of the world’s leading experts on the science of gratitude, Dr. Robert Emmons, professor of psychology at the University of California, defines gratitude as having two parts. The first is that people can practice and learn to wake up to see the good around them and notice the gifts they receive.

The second part of gratitude is the recognition that the goodness we receive, is originated outside of ourselves — that we receive these gifts from other people, and sometimes from a higher power, energy, the Universe, or the natural world. It's the realization that we wouldn’t be where we are without the help of others.

11- Gratitude improves communication

Gratitude is like a booster shot in any relationship, especially romantic ones. Couples feel more connected when they experience the gratitude/kindness cycle, reaffirming their commitment to each other. As we become more grateful, we develop healthier communication styles, we become more comfortable talking through disagreements or bringing up concerns. We create more positive perceptions of our partners, friends, or family and a greater sense of trust.

We find ways to express ourselves better and more positively in all the ways we communicate- letters, conversation, and social media. All avenues become opportunities for expressing and practicing gratitude.

Gartitude quote by Joana Esteves

12- Gratitude fosters resilience

It comes as no surprise that if gratitude has such an impact in all areas of our lives, the more we practice it, the more resilient we become in the face of adversity. We bounce back more graciously, more efficiently and stronger. We are welcoming and accepting of life's ups and downs.

The practice of gratitude really is one of the best tools to turn our mind into our best ally, with positive thinking habits that bring wellbeing and resilience into our life.

13- Gratitude improves focus and memory

Do you have a challenging task at hand? Whether it's job duties, school work or a personal project, start by feeling grateful. When we are positive and grateful, we keep stress at bay and we're able to focus on what we have to do, we are creative, we find better solutions, and we even memorize better.

With gratitude, we see challenges as opportunities rather than burdens.

Studies have shown that higher levels of gratitude are associated with better cognitive function and areas of the brain involved in processing emotion and memory.

14- Gratitude as a way to manifestation

When we live our lives with a mindset of scarcity, lack and complaint, we are keeping ourselves from experiencing the abundance of what the Universe has to offer.

When we take our gratitude practice to the next level, we see our minds and bodies shift from a low vibration to a higher vibration of gratitude for what we have, what we know we deserve and what we are certain that is yet to come.

The secret to manifesting all we want and desire in life is in maintaining that higher focus on what we want (visualizing things to the detail as if we're experiencing it already) with feelings of absolute gratitude and bliss.

As the world's number 1 life and business strategist Tony Robbins says, "Energy flows where attention goes". So keep your mind on all the good things you want and are grateful for instead of the bad, and you'll see amazing things happen for you.

That is actually the basis of Rapid Transformational Therapy that I was blessed to be trained to do in my hypnosis practice. I see that happen every time. When people reframe their focus and allow themselves to feel good and be grateful for what is and open to all the good things that are to come, it is so transformative.

When I help individuals see on a subconscious level that they are deserving of all those things they want, everything changes for them on a deeper level. Not only do they change but their lives change as well.

Now that you know all the reasons why you should practice gratitude, I will show you fourteen ways to do so. Add as many into your daily life as you can, the results are worth it. You can truly transform your life with just this practice.

"Big Door" by fine artist Gene Barron
"Big Door" by fine artist Gene Barron

14 ways to practice gratitude

1- Search for the good

The human mind has a tendency to scan for the negative or what is wrong. The more we practice and get into the habit of scanning for the goodness around us, the happier we'll be. It's as simple as that.

And believe me, whatever you look for, you will find. So search for the good, you will suddenly perceive as if good things are starting to happen more often in your life. They were always there. It's just that now you are attuned to find them and experience those good things.

2- Say "Thank you" more often

"Thank you" shows appreciation for the kindness that others give to us. It is an expression of gratitute that we verbally gift to those around us, letting them know we are paying attention, that we appreciate them, their gestures and their existence in our lives.

A genuine "thank you"can be felt by everyone, those who give it and those who receive it.

3- Gratitude towards others

You can let them know in person, call them or write a note.

Besides saying "thank you" you can also extend your gratitude by expressing all the ways in which you appreciate them, being more specific and detailed.

Other ways to show gratitude to others would be giving them a gift, cooking them a meal, getting together, showing up and being present when they need and celebrating them and their achievements.

"Flourish" by fine artist Gene Barron
"Entwined in life" by fine artist Suzanne Buckland

You can also show gratitude by complimenting those around you, being present to observe and take in all the beauty and goodness that others bring into your life. You can even tell others about what a certain person did for you or how important someone is and how you appreciate them in your life.

Those are all actions of gratitude towards others that make us and those around us feel amazing and vibrating at a higher positive energy.

4- Self-gratitude and appreciation

Now here is where most people have the most difficulty when it comes to gratitude. Our own wounds sometimes make it hard for us to practice self-love, gratitude and appreciation.

We need to let go of ideals of perfectionism and start being grateful for all the things we are. Grateful for our minds that allow us to learn every day, grateful for our bodies, that allow us to move and experience this beautiful thing called life, grateful for our own challenges and mistakes that allow us to grow, grateful for each breath, each cell, each sensation...

We need to start being more appreciative of our big and small achievements, of our own acts of kindness towards others. Remember that one time you did the right thing, that one time you were there for someone, that one time when things were so hard but you did it anyway, you pulled through.

Be grateful for who you are, imperfections and all. For your character, for your feelings that show you where to heal, for the path you have taken to be the person you are today, all the efforts to become a better human being. Be proud of that. Be proud of yourself.

"Echoes" by fine artist Naz Kaya
"Echoes" by fine artist Naz Kaya

5- Use positive language

Language can be verbal, the things you say out loud; body language; and your own thoughts.

What words do you use, what pictures and stories to you observe yourself thinking? Are they positive or are they negative? Do you use a positive language towards others and yourself?

How is your posture, are you open to receive the good things in life, excited for life, for others, for the simple things that happen to you, are you curious for what others have to say? Life can be so exciting if you allow yourself the state of discovery and gratitude for all that is.

6- Gratitude journal

Many studies done on gratitude have documented the amazing effects of writing down our blessings. The act of writing engrains the emotion of gratitude so strongly and beautifully. It works as a great enhancer to our thoughts alone, producing long-lasting effects in the brain.

It is a great way to quickly feel the effects of gratitude. You don't need to be a poet, writer, or use eloquent words. Just simply describe all the things you are grateful for and all the ways that you feel that gratitude.

7- Gratitude meditation

These are powerful ways to get in the zone and feel present and grateful for existing and being. There are many great meditations, where you start by focusing on your breathing. One I particularly like is Dr. Joe Dispenza's gratitude meditation, check it out.

You can even use it with intent during hypnosis, for all the things that happened, reframing struggles from the past to allow a person to heal and move on.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi

Being grateful for hard times make us resilient and appreciative of who we are. During hypnotic meditation we are open to suggestions of what meanings we put on what happened to us. We can see it in a different more positive lens, a healing lens, a resilience lens. From there we can also practice visualizations and affirmations of what is to come as if we're already in there, being grateful for all that is available and moving towards us. Accepting and deciding that the person we want to be, is within the person we are right now.

8- Gratitude visits

That friend, or family member you love and are grateful for: How long have you been wanting to visit them, to tell them that you love them, that you are grateful for them? Do it. it's a great way to show someone that you appreciate their existence in your life.

9- Gratitude jar

This is a fun way to count our blessings, since you can visually see the jar getting fuller as time goes on. It's another way to remind us, that blessings are coming and overflowing, that they're everywhere.

Every time you are grateful for something or someone, write it down, fold it up, and simply put it in the jar.

10- Gratitude alarms

You can set up daily alarms to remind you to pause and reflect on all the things that you are grateful for. Take a pause in your life to be grateful. You can also do it first thing in the morning, or right before bed to set the tone for an amazing healing sleep.

11- Gratitude walks

Go for a walk and observe all the little things we usually take for granted: the flowers, the birds, the wind, the warmth of the sun on our face, a passerby smiling, the laughter of a child, the trees... There's so much beauty around us, so many simple reasons to be grateful of life and nature that we happen to be part of.

"Flourish" by fine artist Gene Barron
"Something to stand on" by fine artist Mark Roden

12- Reframe your negative thoughts

Challenge your negative thoughts as they arise, and replace them with gratitude positive thoughts. "What can I learn from this?", "It's hard now but it will get better" or "This is only temporary, I can do this."

Encourage yourself and become a cheerleader rather than an inner-critic. It's ok to make mistakes, be kind to yourself. If you haven't yet, check my previous post "7 Ways to turn your mind into your best ally", where I show you all about self-talk.

13- Smile more often

A smile is a gift to those who receive it and a way for us to express gratitude towards others. The act of smiling itself, even if forced, can release happy hormones and leave us in a good mood, so it's also a gift to ourselves.

Even if you're on the phone, remember to smile. The person on the other side can "listen" to your smile. You sound more empathetic, happier, more positive.

When the other people see you smile, or when they simply perceive that you are smiling through just the sound of your voice when you speak on the phone, you're able to build rapport and connect with them more easily.

14- Be thankful for your struggles

This is taking one step further and flipping challenges that would normally lead you into negative thinking, to positive ones where you use gratitude. It may seem hard at first since struggles and pain can have the ability to put us down. But training the mind to lead us to a place of gratitude through those times is extremely empowering.

Even the hardest times have a positive side. Practice your mind to find it. Most of the time, struggles are opportunities to grow, to build resilience, and to learn something valuable for life. Find those positives during the hardest time, and be thankful for them. Acceptance of what is has a powerful healing effect and gives us a way to overcome hard situations more easily and faster.


I hope you enjoyed this article on gratitude. It gives me much pleasure to know that my words have a positive impact in people's lives, and that these ideas and concepts are helping you. Feel free to leave a comment and if you found this article useful or inspiring, share it with a friend. I am passionate about bringing you quality content through this blog. And remember if you need help putting any of these things in practice or have any issue you would like help with in your life, send me a message at and I will get back with you shortly after.

I want to leave you now with a beautiful quote from Dr. Joshua Brown, professor of psychological and brain sciences at Indiana University:

"Much of our time and energy is spent pursuing things we currently don’t have. Gratitude reverses our priorities to help us appreciate the people and the things we do."

Gratitude journal printable by JoMar Visions
Gratitude journal printable by JoMar Visions

As an expression of my gratitude to you, the follower that reads me, that listens to me or watches me on my podcasts as well, I have a free gift for you. A beautiful gratitude journal printable in nine different colors.

All you need to do is click on this link, add your name and email, the code"GRATEFUL" and I will reply back with the pdf files of the gratitude journal printable, especially designed by me.

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