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Joana Esteves
Nov 26, 202411 min read
9 Effective strategies for managing stress and anxiety
9 Effective strategies for managing stress and anxiety.
Stress and anxiety have become epidemic. In a 2018 year study undertaken by YouGov "
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Joana Esteves
Oct 19, 202411 min read
4 subconscious reasons your body is holding on to weight
You can also experience this content in podcast format: One of the most fascinating areas I work on with individuals and that has been...
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Joana Esteves
Aug 15, 20248 min read
6 Ways we self-sabotage (and 6 steps to overcome it)
If you are reading this article it may be that you suspect of certain sabotaging behavior in yourself or someone you know, or maybe you are
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Joana Esteves
Jun 14, 20249 min read
7 ways to turn your mind into your best ally
7 ways to turn your mind into your best ally. A journey into our own inner voice, thoughts or what is called "self-talk".
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